London Retired Police Dogs Trust (LRPD UK) London Retired Police Dogs Trust (LRPD UK)

London Retired Police Dogs Trust — Supporting the welfare of London's retired police dogs

Dame Judi Dench

“I fully appreciate the work our police dogs do in keeping us safe, especially in these troubled times. As a dog lover myself, I think it is so important that their courage and bravery is rewarded, and they can enjoy a happy and contented retirement. And that is why I fully support the London Retired Police Dogs Trust in the good work they are doing to make this happen!”

Dame Judi Dench — Patron


The sole aim of London Retired Police Dogs Trust is to ensure that the dogs get the retirement that they deserve. We provide support for medical care and treatment, meaning their owners are not left with an agonising decision to make about the animals future due to financial concerns.

It’s our way of saying ‘thank you’ for their unconditional service to our communities.

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